An Giang tamarinds are used as the primary source for our tamarind-related products. This region has a long tradition of growing this fruit. Thus, they have a particular cultivating method to produce high-quality, tasty, and affordable tamarinds.
In detail, tamarinds in this area are fleshy, large, and elongated as they are easy to peel. This excellent quality is achieved as farmers have unique cultivation methods: before seeding, the seeds have to go through dehydration, are soaked in water for about three days, and unruffled seeds must be eliminated. Moreover, the soil must be softened and pre-fertilized with NPK fertilizers. After seeding for ten days, the seeds start to grow. After seven months of farming, the harvest season would begin, and the farmers must make the right timing decisions to harvest after the ripening process. Subsequently, these fruits are delivered to our factory in air-free styrofoam boxes. Those boxes must be able to resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
Tamarinds consist of various nutrients: vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, copper and selenium, etc. They are an adequate treatment for inflammation and relieving pain, protecting against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. The seeds help lower blood sugar, while the pulps support treating obesity and liver disease.

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