Our apple-related products are imported from subtropical regions, which are known as high-quality apple sources. Strictly imposing quality standards for our input, we always maintain high-quality outputs to serve our customers: apples’ firmness, appearance, aroma are carefully examined. Apples must have great firmness, be in pleasant aroma, apples’ peal must be entirely red, and the intestine must be in fresh yellow color.
Apples are also soundly checked: flicking your fingers on the apple, if it sounds loud, then the apple is crispy, sweet, and delicious. After harvesting, our suppliers are requested to deliver the fruit in air-free styrofoam boxes. Those boxes must be able to resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
Apples are rich in vitamins and minerals: vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin E, vitamin K and folate, sodium, magnesium, and calcium. Therefore they provide a wide range of health benefits. They help reduce the risk of heart-related disease, regulate sugar in the blood, aid cancer prevention, act as a treatment for asthma, and support reducing obesity. Moreover, apples also significantly improve your immune system, giving you an overall healthy physical and mental status.

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