Durian, often called the “king of fruits,” arrived in Vietnam centuries ago, primarily thriving in the southern regions due to their tropical climate. Initially grown in small, family-owned orchards, the fruit gained popularity for its distinctive flavor and aroma. Provinces like Tien Giang, Ben Tre, and Can Tho became hubs for durian cultivation, with farmers using grafting techniques to improve quality and yield. Over time, Vietnam diversified its durian varieties, introducing species like Ri6 and Monthong to cater to both domestic and export markets.
In recent decades, Vietnam’s durian industry has grown significantly, making the country a notable player in the global market. Investments in agricultural technology and government support have boosted production. In 2022, Vietnam secured export agreements with major markets like China, enhancing the fruit’s economic potential. Challenges remain, including maintaining consistent quality and navigating international trade regulations, but the trajectory of durian development in Vietnam continues to rise, promising further contributions to the nation’s agriculture and economy.
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