Mangos used in our products are the famous Cat Hoa Loc Vietnamese mango, known for its exceptional sweet and attractively passionate flavor. Cat Hoa Loc mango used to be a rare national fruit for the king, the queen, and mandarins, as this fruit is specially planted in well-fertilized land and alluvial areas rich in organic matter. Three years and a half must be spent on growing this mango, which is a considerable amount of time as the farmers should take special care of fertilizing and preventing diseases and insects for those trees.
We have a strict standard for choosing Cat Hoa Loc mangos: from 450 to 600 grams, the mango is evenly yellow while its intestine around the stem is still firm and has tiny black spots. After harvesting, these fruits are delivered to our factory in air-free styrofoam boxes. Those boxes must be able to resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
About nutrition facts, Cat Hoa Loc mangos rank in the top five for most healthy fruits with a considerable amount of beneficial phytonutrients: Calo, Lipid, Cholesterol, Natri, Kali, Carbohydrate, Sugar, Protein, Canxi, Iron, Vitamin B-1, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B1, Magie. Therefore, this fruit is essential for supplying daily nutrition and can prevent many serious diseases such as poor digestion, heart-related disease, bad memories, poor vision, or low fertilizing ability.

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