20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) – 2023

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  • 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) – 2023

    This year (2023), Tan Do Beverage took part in the CAEXPO for the first time ever!!

    The China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) is an international economic and trade event jointly sponsored by the leaders of China and ASEAN countries. Starting from 2004, the annual CAEXPO, held in Nanning, Guangxi, has been a fervent promoter of the China-ASEAN FTA, which serves to tighten economic ties in the region.

    Since its inception, the expo has been visited and endorsed by thousands of heads-of-state and dignitaries from China and ASEAN countries. At the 20th CAEXPO, Tan Do Beverage and the Vietnam Pavilion had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Pham Minh Chinh – Vietnam Prime Minister – to visit and see the Vietnamese products on display.


    Through the CAEXPO, we had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the local Chinese culture, and gain tremendous knowledge about the beverage consumption and preferences of the local market. From these insights, we’ll be able to craft more amazing beverage recipes that can bring superior values to Chinese consumers.

    We were also able to meet with suppliers, not just from Vietnam but also from many other ASEAN countries. These meetings allow us to expand our logistics and supplier network, to help deliver better values for all of our manufacturing services.

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    Hi readers, I'm Richard, F&B marketing executive for Tan Do Beverage - a leading private label manufacturer in the beverage industry. The articles that I write have all been consulted with our professional R&D and Quality Control staff, so that all knowledge shared will be accurate and helpful. Our Blog is designed to provide the best industry insights about general beverage trends, manufacturing knowledge and guides for beverage business operations.

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