Unlike other guava varieties, our guava-sourced products are made from famous pink Tien Giang guava, which is known for its superiority over different guava varieties: its pink intestine, its tasty flavor, and outstanding quality.
Pink Tien Giang guava has grown for centuries in Tien Giang province; therefore, its quality has been standardized over time. In Tien Giang, pink guava was raised in a large-scale, strict planting method standardized for many generations. By using specialized fertilizers and highly nutritious water, our suppliers ensure delivering the highest-quality guava to our factory.
Before harvesting, farmers have to ensure that those guavas are evenly light green and scabrous, have light pink intestine while giving a sense of sweetness and crunchiness as the fruits are being ripened. After harvesting, these fruits are delivered to our factory in air-free styrofoam boxes. Those boxes must be able to resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
Tien Giang guava is an exceptionally healthy, tasty, and affordable fruit. It contains many vitamins and minerals as vitamin A, vitamin C, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Copper, and Manganese, etc. As it is low in cholesterol and sodium, it is beneficial for treating heart-related patients. Some more guava functions are improving skin beauty, anti-aging by activating collagen production, supporting substances for the cartilage and the joints, and protecting skin and body from external factors. The endocrine system would be improved as the copper in guava supports the production and absorption of hormones, and guava also acts as a treatment for diabetes and high blood pressure disease.

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