Our pineapple-related products are sourced from Quynh Luu, Nghe An, known for its tasty pineapples with appealing yellow fruit meat, attractively excellent scent, and sweetness. Grown in Nghe An’s most well-fertilized land, those pineapples are superior to other types of pineapples and are taken care of by hundred-year experienced family farms. By completely-natural agricultural technology and without the interruption of pesticides and plan protecting drugs, Quynh Luu pineapples are healthily grown.
The pineapple’s quality standard is strictly regulated: harvested pineapple must be without external damage (shocking force, insect infiltration). Moreover, the stem must be shorter than two centimeters, reach physiological maturity, and be ranked “special” quality types due to TCVN 1871:2014 (a popular quality standard for Vietnam agriculture products). Besides, the total amount of dissolved dry matter content must be lower than 12 Brix degrees. After harvesting, these fruits are delivered to our factory in air-free styrofoam boxes. Those boxes must be able to resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
About nutrition facts, Quynh Luu pineapple contains various types of beneficial components: Sodium, Potassium, Protein, Vitamin A, C, B-6, Iron, Calcium, and Magnesium. Thus this fruit is essential for enhancing the immune system, strengthening human bones, significantly improving digestion, vision, and heart health (by breaking the frozen blood inside blood vessels), erasing dead cells, and preventing obesity and senescence, etc.

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