6 Tasty Recipes with Coconut Water Juice You Can Start Making at Home

    Coconut is a fruit with a super hard-to-break hard shell. The core has thin edible flesh covering a fair amount of drinkable liquid and surprisingly beneficial for one’s well-being. Though usually being found in hot tropical regions, coconut water juice is used worldwide, 600 million liters to be exact. As popular as it is, we will provide you with the nutrient fact of coconut water juice and 6 homemade recipes so you can try it yourself.

    Coconut Water Juice Nutrient Values

    coconuts and coconut water juice

    On average, one coconut could provide roughly a cup of coconut water. One cup contains 46 calories, according to SelfNutritionData, as well as:

    • Carbs: 9 grams
    • Protein: 2 grams
    • Vitamin C: 10% of the RDI
    • Magnesium: 15% of the RDI
    • Potassium: 17% of the RDI
    • Sodium: 11% of the RDI
    • Calcium: 6% of the RDI

    Additional to nutrition, multiple pieces of research throughout the years have shown coconut juice can help:

    • Fighting against some diseases – such as diabetes and kidney stones
    • Improve heart health
    • Control blood pressure
    • Rehydration
    • Obtain skin beauty perks.

    4 Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Water Juice Combination

    In combination with fruit juice, coconut water juice with pulp brings about a variety of health benefits. In this post, we will take a closer look at the 4 most well-known reasons why this kind of drink is beneficial for people’s health.

    Juice Combination

    1. Potential protection against diabetes

    A study found that providing the drinks from coconut to rats with diabetes resulted in improved blood sugar levels and reduced oxidative stress. Nevertheless, such effects need to be confirmed with human experiments before coming to a final conclusion.

    Until then, with its 3 grams of fiber and digestible carb content of only 6 grams per cup (240 ml), coconut water and fruit juice can be absolutely ideal for a meal plan dedicated to diabetic people.

    Also, coconut water juice can be a good magnesium source, which may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels in people with type-2 diabetes and prediabetes.

    2. A delicious source of hydration

    super-hydrating benefit of coconut water

    Because the natural sugars present in fruits may inhibit hydration and fruit juices tend to have a concentrated form of sugar, when mixed with “super-hydrating” sources like coconut water, they can become an ideal source of hydration.

    In other words, such an all-in-natural mixture could be the perfect beverage for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise.

    3. Skin health improvement

    Many scientific studies have proved that juice drinks can slow down the aging process and protect your skin from harmful radiation from the sun. But just to name a few, apple, pomegranate, kiwi fruit juices make your skin quickly rejuvenated and may help moisturize your skin.

    On top of that, coconut water has been proven to effectively reduce wrinkles and sagging skin. According to many reliable research sources, consuming coconut water may produce an anti-aging effect on the entire body, not just the skin.

    4. Immune system boost

    coconut water Immune system boost benefit

    It is a well-known fact that daily diets with fresh fruits and vegetables can provide essential vitamins and minerals to bolster immunity. However, eating fruits and vegetables is not the only way to boost immunity. Some people prefer to drink juice because it is quicker and more convenient than eating the recommended servings of fruits per day.

    Because it is possible to reap some fruits’ benefits by consuming them in juice form, a wide range of fruits is blended to create the ultimate juice drinks. Combinations such as coconut water and fruit juice are a primary example.

    With all that in mind, here are the 6 easy recipes that incorporate coconut water juice into your daily food choices.

    6 Delicious Coconut Water Juice Recipes

    1. Thai Coconut Curry Ramen

    thai coconut curry ramen
    Source: tasty.co


    For 1 serving

    • 1 package instant ramen
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 3 tablespoons coconut water juice and milk
    • 3 teaspoons green curry paste
    • 2 tablespoons lime juice
    • 1 tablespoon roasted peanut, chopped
    • 5 slices jalapeño
    • 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, chopped, optional


    1. Add the seasoning packet and a tablespoon of butter to a pot of boiling water. Stir the butter until melted, then add the ramen and cook until it becomes tender. Pour the ramen into a bowl.
    2. Incorporate coconut water juice and milk, green curry paste and fresh lime juice.
    3. Garnish with peanuts, jalapeño, and cilantro if wanted.

    2. Spicy Tomato Coconut Chicken

    Spicy Tomato Coconut Chicken
    Source: tasty.co


    For 4 servings

    • 3 lb of chicken, quartered
    • Salt
    • Pepper
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 3 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1 tablespoon ginger
    • 3 jalapeñoes, deseeded and diced
    • 1 onion, chopped
    • 1¼ cups of tomato puree
    • 1 cup of coconut water juice and milk
    • 1 cup of chicken stock
    • Fresh cilantro, or parsley, chopped, for garnish


    1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
    2. After browning chicken with olive oil in a large pot, pull it out and set it aside.
    3. In the same pot, add garlic, ginger, jalapeños, and onions. Cook until translucent.
    4. Pour in the tomato puree, coconut water juice, milk, and chicken stock.
    5. Add the chicken back to the pot. Simmer with a closed lid and cook for 45 – 60 minutes.
    6. Serve with rice. Garnish with cilantro or parsley.

    3. Cod with Confetti Coconut Rice

    Cod with Confetti Coconut Rice
    Source: tasty.co


    For 4 servings

    • 1 cup of basmati rice, rinsed
    • ¼ cup of red bell pepper, finely chopped, seeds and ribs removed
    • ¼ cup of carrot, finely chopped
    • ¼ cup jalapeño, seeded and minced
    • 4 teaspoons salt, divided
    • 2 cup of coconut water juice and  milk
    • ¼ cup of water
    • 24 oz cod fillets, pacific
    • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
    • 1 teaspoon McCormick® dried cilantro leaves
    • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    • Lime wedge for garnish


    1. Blend the rice, carrots, bell pepper, jalapeño, 2 teaspoons salt, water, coconut water juice and milk in a medium saucepan. Turn the heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Simmer in low heat with a closed lid for 10–12 minutes until the rice is cooked.
    2. Season the cod fillets on both sides with McCormick dried cilantro leaves, 2 teaspoons of salt and pepper.
    3. Heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. Once the oil is almost smoking, lay each fillet onto the pan. Sear until fish is golden brown (about 5 minutes). Flip each fillet and sear the other side until cooked (about 3 minutes).
    4. Serve with rice on a plate and top with lime wedges and cod fillet.

    4. Tropical Coconut Smoothie Bowl

    Tropical Coconut Smoothie Bowl
    Source: tasty.co


    For 1 serving

    • ¼ cup of coconut water juice and milk
    • ½ cup of mango, peeled and cubed
    • ½ cup of pineapple, peeled and cubed
    • ½ cup of ice
    • Topping of choice


    1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender.
    2. Pour into a bowl or half a coconut, and top with desired fruit and other toppings.


    5. Chocolate Coconut Winter Smoothie

    Chocolate Coconut Winter Smoothie
    Source: tasty.co


    For 1 serving

    • ½ banana
    • ¼ cup of gluten-free oats
    • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
    • 1 teaspoon dark cocoa powder
    • 1 tablespoon shredded coconut, optional
    • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1¼ cups of coconut water juice and milk


    1. Combine banana, oats, peanut butter, cocoa powder, shredded coconut, maple syrup, vanilla, and milk in a blender, mix them at high speed until completely smooth.
    2. Transfer the chocolate coconut mixture to a small saucepan over medium-low heat until warmed. Do not boil.
    3. Serve in a mug.

    6. Avocado Cold Brew Smoothie

    Avocado and coconut juice Cold Brew Smoothie
    Source: tasty.co


    For 2 servings

    • ½ cup of cold brew coffee
    • ½ avocado, chopped
    • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    • 1 cup of coconut water juice and milk
    • ½ cup of vanilla yogurt
    • 2 cups of ice
    • Coconut flake, for serving


    1. Mix the cold-brewed coffee, ice, vanilla, yogurt, avocado, coconut water juice, and milk in a blender.
    2. Blend until smooth.
    3. Serve in a glass and top with coconut flakes.

    All those recipes look delicious, right? All of them can be done in just under an hour, especially those drinks that can be created in minutes. So what are you waiting for? Let’s start cooking!

    By the way, are you thinking of creating a fruit juice drink of your own and spreading joy to millions? Then don’t hesitate to contact Tan Do Beverage! Established in 1996, we are one of the leading beverage manufacturers in Vietnam. Our main products include coconut, aloe vera, and even nut-based juice. Taking advantage of Vietnam’s tropical climate and agricultural availability, we commit to delivering the best quality fruit-based drinks on the market,

    Final Thought

    Coconut water juice is a flavorsome, nourishing natural “beverage”  that is especially beneficial for you. Aside from its perks of strengthening your heart, and kidney health, stabilizing blood pressure, and improving skin health, coconut water could also easily be used as an ingredient for your daily meal.

    Hope you enjoy the article as well as all the recipes that we provided. Let us know your thoughts on this delicious drink in the comment section below, and don’t hesitate if you have any questions!

    Tan Do is a global beverage ODM/OEM manufacturer and supplier located in Vietnam. Since 1996, we have built trust and credibility not only throughout Vietnam but also in many parts of the world. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, we have crafted thousands of products that align with ISO, HACCP, HALAL, FDA, and many other standards.

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    Lilian Nguyen
    Hi! I'm Lilian Nguyen. I'm an expert in OEM, ODM, private label beverage industry with 8 years of experience. I believe that it is crucial for companies to focus on the benefits which the product provides to their target customer and what does it mean to the community. When i am not working, i run a blog on making healthy snacks & drinks and join in a hiking club. I'm an expert in the beverage industry invited by Tan Do Beverage to work. I'm in charge of publishing articles, research articles on the beverage industry or anything healthy to help readers have a better view of what they are looking to do, prepare to do or are doing related to the beverage industry. Email: lilian.nguyen@tdfood.com.vn

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