Long An has long been famous both in our country and the worldwide market as a big scale and high-quality watermelon field, and they are our source for this fruit. This kind of fruit is superficial to other watermelon types as they have small seeds or no seeds, appealing aroma, thin peels, wonderful sweetness, high crispy intestine, and watery. Long An farmers have been accumulating experience of cultivating these watermelons for generations. Thus, they have excellent standards and methods for them.
Long An watermelons have to be grown on nutritious soil, which allows easy dehydration. Watermelon should be under the sun, and the ground must be softened before seeding. The seeds require some hours for dehydrating and soaking in warm water for the best germination. For the best development of the fruits, the farmers need to regularly do the watering, fertilizing and also give them a frame to grow. After about 60 to 70 days, watermelons would be harvested. They must pass the quality standards to be the inputs for our products: low pesticide usages, high sweetness, good appearance, strong stems, medium weight, and light red intestine. These fruits are delivered to our factory in air-free styrofoam boxes, which must resist shock while also ensuring maximum aeration.
Long An watermelons are low in sugar, and they contain numerous vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, B6, and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants, amino acids, and potassium. Therefore, consuming watermelons can be the catalyst of treating many severe diseases and developing your immune system: lowering blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart attack, treating obesity as amino acid helps burn fat quickly. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps break down harmful free-oxygen radicals, thus preventing kidney injury and lower inflammation damage. Vitamin C supports collagen production to make healthier skin, protecting the body from harmful external factors.

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